Don is a Registered Acupuncturist with 21 years of experience. He apprenticed under Japanese acupuncturist Yas Inaba, and has completed a Medical Acupuncturist program at the Alberta College of Acupuncture.
The focus of Don’s practice is to encourage people to truly experience their lives - without judgement or resistance, and with an open heart and mind. His journey in natural healing has taught him that acceptance opens the door to healing. When there is stress and conflict, whether physical or emotional, healing is inhibited and the body’s innate power to rebalance becomes inaccessible. Don uses acupuncture and quantum sound therapy as tools to release blockages and allow fluidity in the body, mind, and soul.
Don actively seeks out ways to find peace and healing in his own life - through meditation, learning opportunities, time with family, and by being in his own moments! You will find Don is a gifted, intelligent, and understanding practitioner willing to help you unlock your own potential.
Don Wensrich