What is better than massage and energy work together. This is a combination of both. Feel more in tune with your mind and your body connection, to have more balance in your life, to feel mentally and emotionally energized. Reiki with Massage can help you feel connected and full of vitality.

We all experience struggles and lows, sometimes without knowing the reason. Energy disturbances within and around the body can possibly be the cause. We’re all susceptible to subtle shifts in our energy field and that may show up as fatigue, feeling emotionally off balance and disconnectedness. Reiki can assist you in working through and releasing unwanted emotional stress. During your treatment, your practitioner will tap into your emotional congestion — this is what the body holds onto and causes disruption in your energy field. Your practitioner then rebalances any disharmony found in your aura, encouraging your energy to realign itself. The treatment may not only help restore balance to your emotional state but also to your chakras.

Lisa Blain, Massage Therapist & Reiki Master

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Renewal Wellness Centre

4625 Varsity Dr NW #150,
Calgary, AB
T3A 0X9



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